Prof. Dingqing Li
Prof. Dingqing Li
MxV Rail
Title: Heavy Axle Load Rail Infrastructure Research in North America

Abstract:North America has the largest railway network for heavy axle load (HAL) freight transportation in the world and also leads HAL freight railroad research and technology implementation. Freight railroads in North America not only are profitable, but invest tens of billions US dollars every year to improve safety, reliability, efficiency and sustability. The freight railway research in North America, with the funding support from freight railroads, is led by MxV Rail (formerly TTCI), a subsidiary of the Association of American Railroads (AAR). This research program is called the AAR Strategic Research Initiatives (SRI).

This keynote presentation will provide an overview and update on the latest HAL rail infrastructure research under the SRI program, which covers rail, welding, track substructure, ties and fasteners, bridges and special trackwork. The HAL rail infrastructure research also includes inspection systems, mechanics, materials, and predictive analytics. This research program requires extensive on-track testing at the Facility for Accelerated Service Tesitng (FAST) and in revenue service, in addtion to laboratory testing, modeling efforts, and particpation of universities. 

Biography: Dr. Dingqing Li is AVP & Chief Scientist - Rail Infrastructure at MxV Rail (formerly TTCI), a subsidiary of the Association of American Railroads (AAR). Dr. Li has been with MxV Rail since 1995 after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He has 30 years of research, testing, modeling, consulting and academic experience in railway engineering and is a subject matter expert in railway track and vehicle/track interaction. He has published more than 240 technical papers and reports, including the book “Railway Geotechnics”.  Dr. Li has given short lectures on track infrastructure at the workshops and classes organized by the International Heavy Haul Assiciation, the UIC International Railway Strategic Management Institute, and universities in the US and internationally.  Dr. Li is a registered Professional Engineer, and is a member of AREMA, TRB and ASCE.  He also serves as board members for several professional journals. He has received several professional awards including the Eagle award, the highest level award for extraordinary and exemplary performance from MxV Rail of AAR, and Best Paper Awards from IHHA and WCRR. 





Key Dates
  • Abstract submission (1~2 page)

    ( 20 December 2023)

  • Notifying Abstract Acceptance

    ( 20 January 2024)

  • Full Paper Submission Due

    ( 30 April 2024)

  • Notifying Paper Acceptance

    ( 30 April 2024)

  • Final manuscript submission

    ( 30 May 2024)

  • Arrival

    ( 7 August 2024)

  • Conference Dates

    ( 7-9 August 2024)


Please send any inquiries to the Conference secretariats:

  • Dr. Yao Shan
  • Dr. Chao He
  • Dr. Changdan Wang

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Rail infrastructure Durability and System Safety
Tongji University, Shanghai, 201804, China


Financial Support
Shanghai Feixiang Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Address:5th Floor, Building 9, No. 165 Xiangyin Road,Yangpu District, Shanghai 200433, P.R.China